Video Submissions
Feeling creative?
If you are creative and passionate about saving our democracy — that means getting big money out of politics, protecting the right to vote, ending gerrymandering, and so much more — submit a video to our project. If our team loves it, we will add it to this site and make sure people across the country see it.
Help Save democracy. Get Paid.
We are giving viewers the chance to donate to promote their videos on this website. Any funds raised from a video will be shared with its creator — so you can make money while helping to save democracy.
What we are looking for
1) Shoot a short video
2) Do it any way you want—talking to camera, presenting slides, acting—whatever works for you
3) Make an argument about how to save our democracy.
What makes the best video
We’re looking for videos who can a present problem and solution in a truly interesting way.
It’s critical that you provide accurate information in the video.
The more your video gets shared online, the better chance you’ll have at earning money.
Submission form
If you create a video, please upload your video to any public platform with video hosting capabilities (Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc).
Then, click the button below and fill out the video submission form. We will be in touch shortly.